Get back your baby skin with peeling

Get back your baby skin with peeling

Peel season is officially here, it is time to say good bye to your summer dry spotted skin and hello to softer brighter skin.

During summer it comes the possibility of more sun damage, due to the weather and the outdoor activities. You may forget using your sun protection every day or your skin is exposed to the sun during the peak hours. These may cause more freckles, sun spots, wider pores and a darker skin tone. There is also a chance for fine lines and thickening of the skin, especially if you spent time sunbathing.


What is peeling?

Peeling is a type of treatment helping in removing dead skin cells, brightening and minimizing the pores. Skin peeling improves the look of the skin in a great way. It aims at rejuvenating and improving the skin’s appearance. Skin peeling products consist of certain enzymes and acids in order to exfoliate the skin, revealing the fresher, clearer, and more youthful skin beneath the surface.


Types of peeling:


Superficial peels

Superficial peels, only exfoliate the top layer of skin. These superficial peels are safe enough to be used at home. It must be repeated several times per week for the best result. Some of these products exfoliate the skin physically by its granules and chemically through its ingredients such as glycolic and lactic acid. Other products may also contain different percentages of AHA or salicylic acid to be more effective with the oily skins.


Deep peels

Deep peels can remove damaged skin cells from deeper levels of skin and can dramatically reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, freckles, sun spots and hyper pigmentation. The treatment should be applied by a medical specialist and may cause mild discomfort or slight stinging. There are two types of peeling the chemical peel which depends on chemical compounds as AHA and herbal peeling that depends on natural ingredients as fresh water sponges and algae. The peeling process typically lasts a few days and you might need specific home care products to be used through these days. You can see results after your first session and you can continue with three more sessions for the optimum result.


Finally, peeling is a solution to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells. It aims to improve the appearance of the skin by reducing age spots, wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars and evening out skin tone.